

The present article is purported to delineate on international regimes. The central thesis of the article is that international regimes can facilitate cooperation among states. An attempt is made by the auther to introduce the literature on regimes, demarcate the conceptual contours and high-light the empirical aspects of regimes. The processes of regime formation, persistence and change will be studied. Such questions as how and under what conditions order is maintained will be dealt with in order to understand the contribution and limits of international regimes.

Due to a growing academic interest in the notion and proccess of globalization; the study of regimes-regimes as a means to facilitate the flows of capital, goods and service in economic globalization, for example-is a must. AIl contending theories of regime formation¬Structuralism, Modified structuralism, (hotian - as well as its
typology will be examined in light of international order and system
change. The article is submitted in 14 parts followed by a
conclusion, arguing that the nature of v10rld order is increasingly becoming dependent on the underlying principles, norms, rules and decision - making procedures of numerous international regimes.