

One of the remarkable subjects in the feud of subjects in the feud of surveying the religlous precepts in is the political precepts in Quran. In this regard there are different views and aspects. The religionist intellectuals have denied such precepts in Quran and claimed that Religion is apart from Policy and has no connection with it. On the other hand, although the traditional religionists do not think like religionist intellectuals, they believe that the religionist should proceed to Fegh and Feghahat (Religious Jurisprudence) and leave political affairs to the others. According to the religionist views, they do not reject the political precepts but they believe that such commands have been neglected. The third group with a small number in different eras has stated the political precepts as well. They believe in Quran as the last celestial and holy book descended from heaven. They believe the book as comprehensive rules along with different social regulations. It is obvious that the followers to Quran face with various fields of individual, family and social issues and each of these fields contain of authorized and unauthorized movements which Quran should command which of them is right or not. Therefore the field of life is the field of policy and management which their precepts must be explained. Quran is responsible for this duty to state deeply and clearly on different kinds of relations of family, social and minorities rights inside and outside the country. To know and to perform these precepts in incumbent upon to each Muslim like praying and other religious orders.