

Assistant Professor of Political Science Department
The United States of America today embodies a paradoxical policy toward international security. These paradoxical factors are omnipotence and vulnerability. US military force is greater than any other great powers. This cauntry's economic ability is greater than European Union and greater than Japan, Russia and China.
Despite those elements, US strategists attempts to play an
Imperial role in international relations.
This strategy is based on pre-emption and counter ¬
Proliferation. For non - Proliferation and arms control, this
Conjuction has had paradoxical implications.
The Bush administration, publicrollout of the new national security strategy has gen'erated considerable criticism and confusion. Particularly about key issues. These issues has created policy tension at the core of the U.S strategy. In this process, military strategy of U.S, and its interveantion in Middle East countries has been changed. Coerceive diplomacy is an alternative option for pre-emptive strategy.