

One of the religious principles, somehow related to legal and

religious prospects, is the principle of "estilnan" or insecurity of the trustee; where by inevitable sanction resulted from poss.ession is deprived and the possessor is said to be untrust worthy. For example, the lesee in a lease contract. These individuals are to be
trusted, if not guilty for the defect or destruction of what is put at their disposal, they wi]] not be responsible for it. In the present
article, first, the definition and subdivisions of sanction "zaman" are given. Next, the concept of "estiman" (seeking trustee), its
reasons, purports, and its religious and legal consequences are mentioned. Then the silnilarities of the principle of "estiman",
"amanat" and its different kinds, and sanction provision in such contracts are discussed in detail. Quite often, religious issues are
compared with the civil code of Islamic Republic of Iran, or the laws relevant to the subject are explained. Furthermore, SOBle problems concerning the insecurity of the trustee have been offered and explained.