

In this study, It must be said that the qualifications in question, in order of importance and preference, are as follows: pubery, reason, mohammedanism, justice, capability, freedom, Clear ¬
sightedness, and masculinity.
But not all Islamic sects, nor even the jurists of each one of these sects, are in full agreement in connection with the aforesaid qualifications.
Indeed, only the first three qualifications are unanimously agreed upon by all Islamic schools of jurisprudence, so that the existence of consensus of opinions can be claimed regarding them.
All Islamic sects deem necessary the condition of puberty
in the executor. However, some of them believe that the
appointment of an immature person to carry out the terms of a will will be valid if a rnature person is attached to him.

All Islamic jurists are in full agreement in connection with the qualification of reason except for the question of periodical insanity which is controversial.