

The main points of this essay can be summarised as follows:
A. NotiO1l of solidarity: solidarity is a peculiar characteristic of
obligatians which is opposed sometimes to the division of the credit and sometimes to the division of the debt; the former - called active
solidarity - exists between creditors and the latter - calJed passive solidarity - exists between debtors. In both cases, solidarity favors the
interests of the creditor, beceause one creditor may collect the whole credit and the whole debt may be acquired from one solidarydebtor.
Law and will are the two sources of solidarity.
B. Characteristics alld effects of solidarity : regarding the rarity of active solidarity. the jurists emphasize on the characteristics and effects of
passive solidarity. From this point of view. the characteristics peculiar to soldiery obligation comprise unity of object and plurality of bonds.
relative independence of obligations of co-debtors and finally, divisibility of soldiery obligation. Besides. solidarity produces a principal effect.
namely obligation for the whole of debt. and some secondarily consequences which are today explained by the idea of a reciprocal
representation of co-debtors as between themseIeves.