

The purpose of this article is to describe the logical relationship

between law and Islamic jurisprudence. There is no doubt that the terms and words used in these disciplines are very different. Islamic
jurisprudence is the knowledge of those edicts and injunctions that the Islamic jurisprudent inferes as divine law, and on the other hand rights,
are privileges recognised by laws for persons. In this sense, their relationship is one of causes and effects. But the issues discussed in
these disciplines are partIy common and partly specific to each discipline. In this recpect, they partly overlap. But if issues specific (0
law such as international law are brought within the purview of inference of jurisprudents or if we claim that issues like worships could
be treated by lawyers, in that case, their relation could _e discussed as overlapping or even equal. But without doubt the issues discussed in the
two disciplines are one of partial overlapping.