

The Act on the Marine Areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the
Persain Gulf and the Oman Sea was approved on 2 may 1993.
Since then; some of the states, including the United States and EU.
have voiced objection to certain provisions of the said Act. Their
principal objections have been in relation to straight baselines and the conditions of innocent passage of foreign warships in the territorial sea.
These states take the view that relevant provision of Iranian Act

are inconsistent with customary international law and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention.
In reply to these assertions, and by examining the practice of other states, the present article specifies the legal underpinnings of the Act
and its consistency with the rules of international law.
Finally, the authors offer to deliberate on the contradictory
Construction of the provisions of the Law of the Sea Convention to find
a way for keeping its universality and uniformity.